I  get  it ...

When my daughter and I were diagnosed with ADHD I had no idea the problems we would encounter. About three weeks into her 2nd grade school year her Friday folder was full of papers with red marks.


We were both diagnosed that year and it was really hard.  I had never read a book nor had formal education on ADHD.   


It lit a passion in me to search out everything I could to help myself and my daughter.  I needed help and I found the resources that worked, and I was able to help my family and families like yours.   

Suppose you could get the facts, have a plan and see results. 

 Are you ready to bring practical strategies and ideas into your home that will restore calm and bring hope?  Once you start feeling more confident by putting these basic foundations in place, the overwhelm and stress will be less.  

My Programs will work for you if:

  • You want to raise your confidence and be proactive instead of “reactive”.
  • You want to stop trying to learn all this by yourself and get the support you need.
  • You are ready to get concrete tips, tools and examples of how to implement these ideas!
  • You want to experience more hope and connection in your family.




Each program includes: 

  • Downloadable Program

    This program will walk you through the six most complex issues of Parenting an ADHD child:  Parenting, Brain facts, School, Social skills, Behaviors, and Treatment.   This program is loaded with videos, activities, and resources.

  • Presentation Slide Guide

     This presentation will help you to get the most out of the slide show and each lesson.

  • 10 Check-ins

    VIP clients will receive 10 voice-messaging check-ins with Paula.  These consultations provide clients with an opportunity to get help when they need it the most.



  • Mini-Lessons

    In these videos, Paula will give a quick overview and recap of each lesson.

“I know you don’t just want information, you want help, just like I did.”

Purchase the Full Program Now

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